Tag: Yes You Can Do It

Advice for my 13-year-old self…

The son of a close friend has recently progressed from playing the ukulele to his first electric guitar, shortly after his 13th birthday. Hearing of how much he’s loving it, and seeing videos of his impressive playing, are heart-warming and take me back to when I first started playing guitar, at the exact same age. …

Live for today. Life is too precious not to.

I’ve heard some desperately sad news over the past 2-3 weeks. Two people I know have been diagnosed with a terminal illness. Awful news like this usually results in some self-reflection and soul-searching and I’ve been thinking a lot about this recently, hence the title of this post. In my utopian world, I, my family …

What is your limit? When you think you’re done, you may only be at 40% of your capability.

I’ve stepped up exercising lately, particularly home-based exercises such as using a portable abdominal crunch, power twister bar, portable step machine, rowing machine and kettle bells. I don’t know if it’s a sign of aging, but the workouts are tougher than they used to be – it would certainly be easy to do a minimal …

Right or wrong? How one simple question could change your life.

I get frustrated easily. I have a shorter fuse than I would care to admit to. I frequently make bad decisions, though don’t we all? Nothing major – just those daily decisions I make that aren’t ridiculously important but can affect my mood. The decisions where it’s usually easier to take what I know is …

Post number 100! Creating momentum.

So, here we are. In what seems like the blink of an eye, this is post number 100 for Yes, You Can Do It. 100 posts since I took that nervous first step back on the 5th May 2019. 100 posts where I have, at times, bared my soul for all to see. If you’d …

My mobile phone is sucking the life out of me…

Now there’s an attention-grabbing title for you! Don’t worry – this isn’t clickbait. It’s exactly how I feel right now. I imagine some of you may have gasped when you first read that title? Possibly even recoiled in horror at such an outlandish thought? If you did react in that way, good. I’m pleased about …

There will never be a perfect moment so just get started

Have you ever put off something you know you need to do and tried justifying it by telling yourself there will soon be a better time to start? Some examples which may strike a chord are: I’ll mow the lawn tomorrow if we have another dry day – it might still be a bit damp …

I’m an introvert and an extrovert

Seeing the image below recently got me thinking again about how I am as a person. I’ve always considered myself to be primarily introverted though this quote made me realise that I can be both introverted and extroverted, depending on the situation. I suppose I want to find a mid-point between the two – that …

Cherish every minute, especially if you have kids…

Earlier this year, I wrote about time moving too fast ( you can find that post here ) and that was really emphasised to me earlier this week. A Facebook reminder popped up from 4 years ago, showing pictures of my daughter and I goofing about on a shopping trip. She was trying on shades …

I’ve lost a bit of my enthusiasm for the blog over recent weeks…

Since my very first YYCDI blog post, I’ve strived to make each and every post searingly honest. Today’s is no exception… For a few weeks now, I just haven’t been feeling the enthusiasm and passion I usually have for the blog. I’m sure this will be a temporary state-of-mind but, unfortunately, it’s where I’m at …