Tag: Frustration

Life is just a series of continuous lies. Can we ever stop that?

I’ve come to the conclusion that life is just a series of continuous lies. If not for all of us (though surely that’s the case?), then certainly for a huge number of us. Think about it. On a daily basis, I’ll bet good money that most of us tell lies, whether that’s to others or …

If you want to be truly productive, disconnect…

A relatively short post this week as I made a last-minute change of the topic. Regarding the title – if you’re the type of person who isn’t the slightest bit bothered about being productive, and you’re happy relaxing every evening with your phone or tablet in front of you, then this may not be the …

I need to stop getting so angry at inconsequential things

I have a major problem in life and it’s one I really struggle to address. I get far too angry at what are, in the grand scheme of things, inconsequential things. Some examples of this: There are many more examples I could quote. So many more. However, to keep this relatively brief, I’ve capped the …

I need to stop living life like I’m stuck in a revolving door

Right now, it feels as though I’m living life like I’m stuck in a revolving door. Not at all from a family and personal relationships perspective – everything is absolutely fine in that regard. This relates more to the general routine and humdrum of life. Here’s an example of a typical week for me: Monday …

Don’t despair if you’re struggling to lose weight – it isn’t easy. A weight-loss / fat-shedding update

I’ve written about my need to lose weight on at least 3 previous occasions, the first back in September 2019, and here I am yet again, revisiting the same subject. The reason being that weight-wise, I’m in the same situation today as I was 29 months ago and I’ve recently been questioning why that is. …

I’m experiencing writer’s block for the first time

For the first time since starting this blog in 2019, I’m experiencing writer’s block. I wrote earlier this year about having lost a bit of my enthusiasm for the blog ( you can find that post here ) though this feels different. It’s not that I’m falling out of love with the blog – it’s …

Right or wrong? How one simple question could change your life.

I get frustrated easily. I have a shorter fuse than I would care to admit to. I frequently make bad decisions, though don’t we all? Nothing major – just those daily decisions I make that aren’t ridiculously important but can affect my mood. The decisions where it’s usually easier to take what I know is …

My mobile phone is sucking the life out of me…

Now there’s an attention-grabbing title for you! Don’t worry – this isn’t clickbait. It’s exactly how I feel right now. I imagine some of you may have gasped when you first read that title? Possibly even recoiled in horror at such an outlandish thought? If you did react in that way, good. I’m pleased about …

I’ve lost a bit of my enthusiasm for the blog over recent weeks…

Since my very first YYCDI blog post, I’ve strived to make each and every post searingly honest. Today’s is no exception… For a few weeks now, I just haven’t been feeling the enthusiasm and passion I usually have for the blog. I’m sure this will be a temporary state-of-mind but, unfortunately, it’s where I’m at …

Don’t beat yourself up (part 2 of 2)

Spoiler alert – I’m going to contradict the title within this post and be very self-critical… Other than what was largely a borrowed post on Christmas Eve, my last wholly original YYCDI blog post was published on the 26th November. In that, which acted as a precursor to this post, I wrote about how I …