Tag: Acknowledgement

Life is just a series of continuous lies. Can we ever stop that?

I’ve come to the conclusion that life is just a series of continuous lies. If not for all of us (though surely that’s the case?), then certainly for a huge number of us. Think about it. On a daily basis, I’ll bet good money that most of us tell lies, whether that’s to others or …

I need to stop getting so angry at inconsequential things

I have a major problem in life and it’s one I really struggle to address. I get far too angry at what are, in the grand scheme of things, inconsequential things. Some examples of this: There are many more examples I could quote. So many more. However, to keep this relatively brief, I’ve capped the …

One thing I tell myself on a daily basis – You Are Fortunate

Life is tough at times, seemingly more than ever these days. We are in the midst of political chaos, rising prices (seemingly across the board), the rising cost of bills, especially energy and mortgage costs, increasing strike activity, and a generally dismal environment everywhere we look. It’s as if someone took the very worst parts …

Keep the good people in your life close to you

A short post this week, prompted by a few things which have happened over the past few days to remind me what is truly valuable and important in life. Perhaps it’s a sign of getting older and wiser but it’s really easy for me these days to identify the good people in my life. The …

Are lists good or bad for us?

I’ve always been a list maker. For as long as I can remember, I’ve used them daily in both my work and personal lives. I’ve always believed they’re helpful though I’ve recently wondered if that really is the case. If anything, I now think they cause pressure and anxiety where it really isn’t needed. I …

Breaking the stigma – do most of us have mental health issues?

I’ve been agonising for months over whether to write this post, largely as it may be misinterpreted, and people may have widely different views regarding the answer to the question in the blog title. However, a TV documentary we watched as a family this week made my mind up for me. More of that later. …

Do you have opportunities to talk about your mental health?

I’m fortunate to work for a company which places a great deal of importance on the mental health of employees. The Wellbeing team in our HR department are fantastic. They regularly arrange lunchtime catch-ups for staff to understand what support is available and to provide an opportunity for us to talk in a safe space. …

My first panic attack in a long time – exactly what happened

I’ve been thinking long and hard for a few weeks now about whether to write this post, primarily as it’s been a while since anything like this happened but also because I don’t want to seem a bit stupid / melodramatic and I don’t want to worry my Mum, who I know doesn’t like these …

I’m experiencing writer’s block for the first time

For the first time since starting this blog in 2019, I’m experiencing writer’s block. I wrote earlier this year about having lost a bit of my enthusiasm for the blog ( you can find that post here ) though this feels different. It’s not that I’m falling out of love with the blog – it’s …

Tiredness rules my life

I’ve finally got around to writing my first post in a month. I’ve been away on holiday but that was only for a week and, truth be told, I just haven’t had the energy or motivation to do much of note lately. The holiday was much needed and another great time was had in Nefyn …