Tag: Decisions

Life is just a series of continuous lies. Can we ever stop that?

I’ve come to the conclusion that life is just a series of continuous lies. If not for all of us (though surely that’s the case?), then certainly for a huge number of us. Think about it. On a daily basis, I’ll bet good money that most of us tell lies, whether that’s to others or …

Yes, You Can Do It – time to call it a day or get it back on track?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about whether or not to continue with the Yes, You Can Do It (YYCDI) blog. The stats, in terms of the number of posts I’ve written during the past two years, are pretty shocking. Here’s a comparison of the number of posts per year since I started this: This …

If you want to be truly productive, disconnect…

A relatively short post this week as I made a last-minute change of the topic. Regarding the title – if you’re the type of person who isn’t the slightest bit bothered about being productive, and you’re happy relaxing every evening with your phone or tablet in front of you, then this may not be the …

A little every day

That Joe Wicks – he’s a bit of an all-round wonderful bloke, isn’t he? Not content with being the nation’s PE teacher of choice throughout Covid, he’s cementing his ‘legend’ status by providing a huge amount of free workouts (check out his YouTube channel if you haven’t already – it’s great), free recipes (check out …

What do you do to get into your comfort zone?

A recent podcast I listened to prompted me to think of the things I do to get into my comfort zone. I’m naturally more of an introvert than an extrovert and I largely prefer peace and quiet than crowds and noise (unless it’s live music, that is). Upon reflection, it’s clear I subconsciously do a …

Life is all about balance and this is my most difficult challenge

In last week’s post, I mentioned life being about balance and compromise and I’d like to expand on that thought here. We rarely (if ever) get everything we want in life and there has to be acknowledgement that some give and take is almost always essential. This is probably my main challenge in life – …

If you don’t prioritise your life, someone else will

This is another post influenced by a podcast I listened to recently, so I can’t take the credit for much of the content here. However, the core message was so profound, I had to share it. Greg McKeown is an author and podcaster. His book Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less is one of the …

Why I perform better when I’m up against the clock – time on my hands isn’t good for me

This is a classic example of a problem I have that I believe should be easy to resolve though the reality is quite different. It’s an issue which dates to my secondary school days (a period when I completed something like 6 or 7 English essays in the week before my GCSE deadline, rather than …

Are lists good or bad for us?

I’ve always been a list maker. For as long as I can remember, I’ve used them daily in both my work and personal lives. I’ve always believed they’re helpful though I’ve recently wondered if that really is the case. If anything, I now think they cause pressure and anxiety where it really isn’t needed. I …

Does anyone else have a really poor attention span or is it just me? I’m blaming technology again…

I have a real problem with paying attention to a single task for any moderate length of time (let’s say 15 minutes or more). This hasn’t been an issue all my life, as far as I recall, though it certainly is now, and I place the blame firmly at the feet of modern technology… There …