Tag: Regret

Do you frequently say ‘Isn’t time flying by?’ If you do, you need to stop now! Here’s why and how.

For my own peace of mind, I need to stop focusing on how quickly time is passing (or how it often appears that way). I’ve been doing this more and more over recent years, yet it was only recently that I noticed the negative impact this has on me. It isn’t beneficial for one simple …

A health / weight update – I’m not as fit as I thought I was…

Despite needing to lose weight, I’ve always thought I was relatively fit. I walk quite often. I eat a relatively health diet. I get plenty of fresh air. I just need to work on shedding the excess fat that I’m carrying. However, a couple of things lately have demonstrated to me that I’m not as …

An open letter to any kids who play a music instrument. Reach for the sky and don’t doubt yourself.  

I try not to live a life filled with regrets. It’s wasted time. The past is done and can’t be changed – it’s much better to live in the present and look to the future. However, if I do have one huge regret, it’s not seriously pursuing music when I was younger. I started playing …

Don’t despair if you’re struggling to lose weight – it isn’t easy. A weight-loss / fat-shedding update

I’ve written about my need to lose weight on at least 3 previous occasions, the first back in September 2019, and here I am yet again, revisiting the same subject. The reason being that weight-wise, I’m in the same situation today as I was 29 months ago and I’ve recently been questioning why that is. …

Cherish every minute, especially if you have kids…

Earlier this year, I wrote about time moving too fast ( you can find that post here ) and that was really emphasised to me earlier this week. A Facebook reminder popped up from 4 years ago, showing pictures of my daughter and I goofing about on a shopping trip. She was trying on shades …

If you spend time with me, you may begin believing in yourself…

I try not to live a life filled with regrets. For me, it is much better to look forward and consider how life can be improved rather than wallowing in past mistakes. If I did this, I may rue missed opportunities and think too much about how a lack of confidence has, at times, seen …

The year ahead for YYCDI

As I wrote last week, I’m not one for making New Year’s resolutions as such, primarily as, without careful thinking, planning and focus, they’re largely doomed to fail. However, the beginning of each calendar year is certainly a suitable time to gather my thoughts, review the previous year, look ahead, determine what I truly want …