Tag: Better life

Happiness and success aren’t about how your life is perceived by others. They’re about how life feels to you.

A very short post this week, primarily to share the attached image ahead of a more focused post next week on what success means to you. Regarding the words in the image, it is so easy to forget this, especially with modern day life placing such great importance on sharing every minute detail of our …

The joy of photos

I’ll be spending some time today compiling the calendars we give to some family members as Christmas presents (apologies for the spoiler if any of you are reading this though it shouldn’t come as a surprise given that you’ve received them for the past 14 years or so!). These consist of nothing but photos of …

Things that make me feel better

I wrote last week about figuring out what makes you feel better and doing more of it ( link here ). That post focused on Christmas and, in particular, starting to get into the festive spirit whenever you like, though writing it got me thinking about other things in life which make me feel better. …

Tiredness rules my life

I’ve finally got around to writing my first post in a month. I’ve been away on holiday but that was only for a week and, truth be told, I just haven’t had the energy or motivation to do much of note lately. The holiday was much needed and another great time was had in Nefyn …

Live for today. Life is too precious not to.

I’ve heard some desperately sad news over the past 2-3 weeks. Two people I know have been diagnosed with a terminal illness. Awful news like this usually results in some self-reflection and soul-searching and I’ve been thinking a lot about this recently, hence the title of this post. In my utopian world, I, my family …

Right or wrong? How one simple question could change your life.

I get frustrated easily. I have a shorter fuse than I would care to admit to. I frequently make bad decisions, though don’t we all? Nothing major – just those daily decisions I make that aren’t ridiculously important but can affect my mood. The decisions where it’s usually easier to take what I know is …

Post number 100! Creating momentum.

So, here we are. In what seems like the blink of an eye, this is post number 100 for Yes, You Can Do It. 100 posts since I took that nervous first step back on the 5th May 2019. 100 posts where I have, at times, bared my soul for all to see. If you’d …

Please don’t become a slave to the scales – a weight-loss update

I’ve written previously about my relationship with food and a need to lose weight, primarily in the posts Why my relationship with food is the most complex in my life and needs to change (Feb 2021 – link here), Using food & alcohol as a comfort blanket (Jul 2019 – link here), Time to change …

Why ‘Why?’ is the most powerful question

In my previous post, I wrote about how there is really no need to use the phrase ‘It may be a stupid question but…’ and why I believe much of the use of it is due to a fear of looking foolish (even though we don’t the vast majority of the time). Writing that post …

If you spend time with me, you may begin believing in yourself…

I try not to live a life filled with regrets. For me, it is much better to look forward and consider how life can be improved rather than wallowing in past mistakes. If I did this, I may rue missed opportunities and think too much about how a lack of confidence has, at times, seen …