Tag: Be kind to yourself

A little bit of weight loss inspiration goes a long way

Losing weight isn’t easy. In fact, it’s bloody difficult. Those of you who have always been slim may scoff at this. Those of you who are currently carrying a stone or three too much will no doubt fully understand. I’ve written about this previously so I’m not going to regurgitate the same old ‘woe is …

Do you have opportunities to talk about your mental health?

I’m fortunate to work for a company which places a great deal of importance on the mental health of employees. The Wellbeing team in our HR department are fantastic. They regularly arrange lunchtime catch-ups for staff to understand what support is available and to provide an opportunity for us to talk in a safe space. …

What would happen if you looked at your story and wrote it from another person’s point of view?

I recently watched a snippet of a TED talk which really hit home. The talk is titled How Changing Your Story Can Change Your Life, by Lori Gottlieb. The general theme is that what we tell ourselves shapes how we live our lives – Gottlieb summarises this by saying “The way we narrate our lives …

Don’t despair if you’re struggling to lose weight – it isn’t easy. A weight-loss / fat-shedding update

I’ve written about my need to lose weight on at least 3 previous occasions, the first back in September 2019, and here I am yet again, revisiting the same subject. The reason being that weight-wise, I’m in the same situation today as I was 29 months ago and I’ve recently been questioning why that is. …

Happiness and success aren’t about how your life is perceived by others. They’re about how life feels to you.

A very short post this week, primarily to share the attached image ahead of a more focused post next week on what success means to you. Regarding the words in the image, it is so easy to forget this, especially with modern day life placing such great importance on sharing every minute detail of our …

My first panic attack in a long time – exactly what happened

I’ve been thinking long and hard for a few weeks now about whether to write this post, primarily as it’s been a while since anything like this happened but also because I don’t want to seem a bit stupid / melodramatic and I don’t want to worry my Mum, who I know doesn’t like these …

Don’t dwell on criticism from anyone who you wouldn’t go to for advice

A short post this week, inspired by the huge amount of keyboard warriors out there these days who appear to think they have a free rein to take to social media and type whatever they like about people, no matter how vile, personal or abhorrent their words may be. It happens far too often and …

Don’t waste time spending time with people you don’t want to be with

The older I get, the more I realise this is really important. Do you ever sit back and consider if you spend time with people you don’t actually want to spend time with? A potentially controversial question but one we do need to ask ourselves. Admittedly, there are certain times when this can be difficult …

The good outweighs the bad more often than not

A couple of weeks ago, Lux Bay played our first gig in 22 months. We’d been practicing for a couple of months beforehand, revisiting every song in our sets to ensure everything would be perfect. Not for us a nice easy lead back into the world of gigging, such as a relatively stress-free pub gig. …

Live for today. Life is too precious not to.

I’ve heard some desperately sad news over the past 2-3 weeks. Two people I know have been diagnosed with a terminal illness. Awful news like this usually results in some self-reflection and soul-searching and I’ve been thinking a lot about this recently, hence the title of this post. In my utopian world, I, my family …