Tag: Define your life

Is anyone else a little anxious about the world returning to ‘normal’?

There are glimmers of hope for us all at the moment. Here in the UK, the vaccination programme is progressing at pace. We have staggered dates for the ‘return to normal’ and the vast majority of people are counting down to June 21st, the hugely anticipated date when, hopefully, all legal limits on social contact …

Sometimes you just have to stop for a minute or two and take it all in

I don’t know if it’s a sign of aging but life certainly seems to be moving quicker than ever these days. Even with Covid restrictions dictating how we live at the moment, the days / weeks / months seem to fly by. If you’re anything like me, this isn’t helped by having a short attention …

Anxiety, live gigs, and why I continue to plug in and play…

There were signs of hope and encouragement for many of us in the UK this week. Hope that our children can settle into a normal school life again. Hope that we can meet up with friends and family soon. Hope that shops, pubs and restaurants will soon open again. Hope that we can give our …

Why I need music in my life and my go-to playlists and songs

This post was inspired by a request from a good friend of mine who asked if I’d write about the music I’d been listening to this year, during various COVID-related lockdowns and restricted periods. That request came some time ago and I’ve been mulling over just how to address this. I came to the conclusion …

I’m an obliger and that needs to change

I recently realised that I’m an obliger. I also recently realised that this needs to change. As I tend to do when I have a dawning realisation, I researched the term to determine if my understanding is correct. There are numerous definitions with the most common suggesting that an obliger is someone who performs a …

When do you truly switch off?

I’ve had a really busy week, both in work and personally. I’m used to spinning numerous plates and I’m quite comfortable with that, though, to coin one of a good friend’s favourite phrases, my head has been full of broken biscuits at times. That situation has improved now though it did make me think of …

Why I often ask myself ‘Is there a better option?’

Like most of us, I have many good intentions, though it’s easy to forget them or to slip slightly off track every now and again. To try to combat this, and in a bid to halt the little bad habits that creep into everyday life, I try to remember to ask myself if there is …

Cathy’s story and why you should define how your life will be, rather than letting life define you

As referenced in last week’s post (which you can find here), a stand-alone post to tell the story of Cathy, a lady who I met during our recent break in Wales. To recap the back story, the house we rented came with a beach hut. This was an absolute godsend and proved to be ridiculously …