Tag: Better life

An open letter to any kids who play a music instrument. Reach for the sky and don’t doubt yourself.  

I try not to live a life filled with regrets. It’s wasted time. The past is done and can’t be changed – it’s much better to live in the present and look to the future. However, if I do have one huge regret, it’s not seriously pursuing music when I was younger. I started playing …

One thing I tell myself on a daily basis – You Are Fortunate

Life is tough at times, seemingly more than ever these days. We are in the midst of political chaos, rising prices (seemingly across the board), the rising cost of bills, especially energy and mortgage costs, increasing strike activity, and a generally dismal environment everywhere we look. It’s as if someone took the very worst parts …

Are lists good or bad for us?

I’ve always been a list maker. For as long as I can remember, I’ve used them daily in both my work and personal lives. I’ve always believed they’re helpful though I’ve recently wondered if that really is the case. If anything, I now think they cause pressure and anxiety where it really isn’t needed. I …

Does anyone else have a really poor attention span or is it just me? I’m blaming technology again…

I have a real problem with paying attention to a single task for any moderate length of time (let’s say 15 minutes or more). This hasn’t been an issue all my life, as far as I recall, though it certainly is now, and I place the blame firmly at the feet of modern technology… There …

Get up and start again

I’ve lost my way with the blog over recent months. Since starting in May 2019, I averaged close to a new post each week for the first two years. However, since August 2021, I’ve written just 25 posts (including this one) – an average of one per fortnight. It is easy to come up with …

The Power of 10 and why it could be a real game changer for you

I was off work last week and spent much of that time decorating. I didn’t cross much else off my to-do list which, as per, is hugely frustrating for me. Yet another instance of grand plans which ultimately fell by the wayside. One thing I did manage to do though, other than touching up paintwork …

What would happen if you looked at your story and wrote it from another person’s point of view?

I recently watched a snippet of a TED talk which really hit home. The talk is titled How Changing Your Story Can Change Your Life, by Lori Gottlieb. The general theme is that what we tell ourselves shapes how we live our lives – Gottlieb summarises this by saying “The way we narrate our lives …

Benefits of losing weight (I hope…)

Apologies for yet another weight-related post so soon after the one last month but things have changed a little since then. In that post, I wrote about not beating yourself up if you’re finding it difficult to lose weight, or if it takes time to achieve (as it is with me). However, since then, a …

Joan’s tale: a true story about living life to the fullest

There is a singer / songwriter called Charlie Landsborough who my mum adores. Originally born in Wrexham, he is very much a Scouser, having grown up in Birkenhead. He is a writer of Country songs, with a little bit of folk also thrown into the mix. He only really came to prominence in the 1990s, …

What does a successful life mean to you?

In my most recent post, I shared an image which stated that ‘Happiness and success aren’t about how your life is perceived by others. They’re about how life feels to you.’ I wrote about how easy it is to forget this, especially with modern life placing such great importance on keeping up with the Joneses, …