A very short post to ease into 2023!
People who know me well know that I love Christmas. The time spent with loved ones. The break from work. The films. The television. The music. The food. The cold, crisp weather. The much-needed opportunity to recharge the batteries. For me, it really is the most wonderful time of the year.
I also love the fact that there is a much greater sense amongst so many of us to truly live the values of ‘peace and goodwill to all men’. People are just kinder to each other than at any other time of the year. I take Rosie for a walk at any point during Christmas week and more people nod, smile, and say ‘hello’. People laugh and joke more at work in the days leading up to Christmas. We ask much more than normal how others are doing and what their plans are. We meet up with people who we may not have seen for 12 months (or longer). We generally take a much greater interest in others than at any other time of year, and that is wonderful.
All of which begs the question – why can’t we be like this all year long? I know ‘real life’ gets in the way and once Christmas is over we immediately get bogged down in the mundanity of everyday life again. Though surely, we can try to apply these values to our everyday life? To be a little kinder? To take more of an interest in the health and wellbeing of others? To nod, smile and say a quick ‘hello’ to a passing stranger also walking their dog? I’m certainly going to try more from now on…
As always, thanks for reading and take care.
Best wishes.