Tag: Wellbeing

Christmas is coming. Figure out what makes you feel better and do more of it.

This is the first of a two-part posting looking at doing more of what makes you feel better. Now Halloween and Bonfire Night are done and dusted, we have the inevitable focus on Christmas and the subsequent inevitable debate around when it is deemed too early to start truly getting into the Christmas spirit. It’s …

My first panic attack in a long time – exactly what happened

I’ve been thinking long and hard for a few weeks now about whether to write this post, primarily as it’s been a while since anything like this happened but also because I don’t want to seem a bit stupid / melodramatic and I don’t want to worry my Mum, who I know doesn’t like these …

What would you do if it were guaranteed there would be no negative consequences?

Firstly, if there are any hip young readers casting an eye at this, the title doesn’t refer to a scenario similar to that depicted in the 2013 movie The Purge, set in a near-future America which celebrates an annual national holiday in which all crime becomes legal for a 12-hour period! The title refers to …

Tiredness rules my life

I’ve finally got around to writing my first post in a month. I’ve been away on holiday but that was only for a week and, truth be told, I just haven’t had the energy or motivation to do much of note lately. The holiday was much needed and another great time was had in Nefyn …

Please don’t become a slave to the scales – a weight-loss update

I’ve written previously about my relationship with food and a need to lose weight, primarily in the posts Why my relationship with food is the most complex in my life and needs to change (Feb 2021 – link here), Using food & alcohol as a comfort blanket (Jul 2019 – link here), Time to change …

Coronavirus and increased anxiety due to my general health

In previous blog posts, I’ve written a few times about the British media and my view that most media channels hone in on bad news rather than good as keeping a nation anxious and fearful (to varying degrees) ensures continued sales of newspapers and significant viewing figures. I feel a delicate balance is needed in …

Coping mechanism – my go-to videos

Regular readers will know that I am a fan of motivational images / videos etc and I have a huge amount stored on my phone. There is certain content which I frequently revisit, because I either need a pick-me-up, some motivation, a reason to laugh, or a reminder of the simple yet vitally important things …

We are seeing the inherent good in people and long may it continue

I thought my issues with low self-esteem would be ok during the current lockdown. Surely not having to go out as much, and therefore not being anxious about what other people think of me to anywhere near the same extent as normal, would improve things? Sadly, that hasn’t necessarily been the case as I haven’t …

Coping mechanism – comedy

It’s been a while since I wrote about a coping mechanism and this one seems more appropriate than ever right now. As with music, I could write and talk about comedy until the cows come home – it is a huge passion of mine and it helps me cope with most things in life, as …

Coronavirus – how I intend getting through this with my sanity intact

Firstly, a couple of important points: Apologies for yet more references to the dreaded ‘C’ word but I felt compelled to write about this right now. I sincerely hope this doesn’t come across as one of those ‘you must use your newfound time wisely by doing this, this and this’ posts. Some of the later …