Despite needing to lose weight, I’ve always thought I was relatively fit. I walk quite often. I eat a relatively health diet. I get plenty of fresh air. I just need to work on shedding the excess fat that I’m carrying. However, a couple of things lately have demonstrated to me that I’m not as …
Tag: Find the positives
I need to stop living life like I’m stuck in a revolving door
Right now, it feels as though I’m living life like I’m stuck in a revolving door. Not at all from a family and personal relationships perspective – everything is absolutely fine in that regard. This relates more to the general routine and humdrum of life. Here’s an example of a typical week for me: Monday …
50 expert tips to feel more positive
I don’t usually like using other people’s content as a full blog though I’ve had this bookmarked for a few months now and feel the need to share it. It’s a really good list, containing 50 tips from GPs, psychologists, musicologists, and many others, on how to feel more positive. You may feel some (or …
The one simple thing which massively improves my life
Regular readers will know I’m in a constant battle to get fit and sustain it. It isn’t easy though, over recent years, I’ve come to realise that there is one simple thing which massively helps me – not just in the battle to shed fat, but also in improving my mental health. Walking. That most …
Why can’t we carry some of that festive cheer into everyday life?
A very short post to ease into 2023! People who know me well know that I love Christmas. The time spent with loved ones. The break from work. The films. The television. The music. The food. The cold, crisp weather. The much-needed opportunity to recharge the batteries. For me, it really is the most wonderful …
A little bit of weight loss inspiration goes a long way
Losing weight isn’t easy. In fact, it’s bloody difficult. Those of you who have always been slim may scoff at this. Those of you who are currently carrying a stone or three too much will no doubt fully understand. I’ve written about this previously so I’m not going to regurgitate the same old ‘woe is …
An open letter to any kids who play a music instrument. Reach for the sky and don’t doubt yourself.
I try not to live a life filled with regrets. It’s wasted time. The past is done and can’t be changed – it’s much better to live in the present and look to the future. However, if I do have one huge regret, it’s not seriously pursuing music when I was younger. I started playing …
The Power of 10 and why it could be a real game changer for you
I was off work last week and spent much of that time decorating. I didn’t cross much else off my to-do list which, as per, is hugely frustrating for me. Yet another instance of grand plans which ultimately fell by the wayside. One thing I did manage to do though, other than touching up paintwork …
What would happen if you looked at your story and wrote it from another person’s point of view?
I recently watched a snippet of a TED talk which really hit home. The talk is titled How Changing Your Story Can Change Your Life, by Lori Gottlieb. The general theme is that what we tell ourselves shapes how we live our lives – Gottlieb summarises this by saying “The way we narrate our lives …
Don’t despair if you’re struggling to lose weight – it isn’t easy. A weight-loss / fat-shedding update
I’ve written about my need to lose weight on at least 3 previous occasions, the first back in September 2019, and here I am yet again, revisiting the same subject. The reason being that weight-wise, I’m in the same situation today as I was 29 months ago and I’ve recently been questioning why that is. …