Tag: Wellbeing

Good riddance summer, hello autumn my old friend

I’m conscious this post will divide people but I’m going to plough on regardless… I’ll be glad to see the back of summer, and I’ll welcome autumn and winter with open arms. There. I said it. I naively thought we were in this position 2-3 weeks ago, then the damned Indian summer hit and sent …

If you want to be truly productive, disconnect…

A relatively short post this week as I made a last-minute change of the topic. Regarding the title – if you’re the type of person who isn’t the slightest bit bothered about being productive, and you’re happy relaxing every evening with your phone or tablet in front of you, then this may not be the …

Find the time to do the things you love each day

Last week, I wrote about the importance of doing a little every day to build momentum over time. The post referenced several examples of tasks where there will be benefits from spending just 10 minutes per day on them. Linked to this, I stumbled upon this quote a couple of days ago – a favourite …

Why working from home is much better for my mental health and productivity

I find it strange thinking back to the Covid lockdown restrictions. At times, it feels like it all happened a lifetime ago, yet there are times when it feels it was all relatively recently. Either way, the effects of it still loom large, particularly in the workplace. The organisation I work for continues to adopt …

Why I’ve suddenly realised I need to go for the smaller option when it comes to food

At the age of 49, I’ve experienced a eureka moment when it comes to food. After half a lifetime of bad habits, I’ve finally realised that it makes much more sense to go for the smaller option where food is concerned. I’ve always had an *ahem* ‘healthy’ appetite and almost always go large when presented …

What do you do to get into your comfort zone?

A recent podcast I listened to prompted me to think of the things I do to get into my comfort zone. I’m naturally more of an introvert than an extrovert and I largely prefer peace and quiet than crowds and noise (unless it’s live music, that is). Upon reflection, it’s clear I subconsciously do a …

None of us are robots. Try to offer support rather than criticising or sneering.

I’m yet to meet the person who achieves all their goals in life. The person who completes every entry on their to-do list every single day. The person who sticks to their word 100% of the time and does everything they say they’re going to do, when they say they’re going to do it. I …

If you don’t prioritise your life, someone else will

This is another post influenced by a podcast I listened to recently, so I can’t take the credit for much of the content here. However, the core message was so profound, I had to share it. Greg McKeown is an author and podcaster. His book Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less is one of the …

A health / weight update – I’m not as fit as I thought I was…

Despite needing to lose weight, I’ve always thought I was relatively fit. I walk quite often. I eat a relatively health diet. I get plenty of fresh air. I just need to work on shedding the excess fat that I’m carrying. However, a couple of things lately have demonstrated to me that I’m not as …

I need to stop living life like I’m stuck in a revolving door

Right now, it feels as though I’m living life like I’m stuck in a revolving door. Not at all from a family and personal relationships perspective – everything is absolutely fine in that regard. This relates more to the general routine and humdrum of life. Here’s an example of a typical week for me: Monday …