Category: Uncategorized

As a species, the human race is screwed…

I’m hoping someone will be able to convince me otherwise, but I genuinely do believe this to be true, at least in the western world (the UK, western Europe, the US etc). And much of it is down to phone addiction… I’ve thought this for a while, though some things I observed during a couple …

Felt unfulfilled for a long time? Change things – it’s the only way

I can’t be the only person around feeling unfulfilled with life? I’ve written about this previously, yet the feeling remains. Hopefully this won’t be seen as another whiny ‘woe is me’ post – as always, I aim to write these posts with honesty and openness, and this is something which has been bothering me for …

Life is just a series of continuous lies. Can we ever stop that?

I’ve come to the conclusion that life is just a series of continuous lies. If not for all of us (though surely that’s the case?), then certainly for a huge number of us. Think about it. On a daily basis, I’ll bet good money that most of us tell lies, whether that’s to others or …

Live life to the fullest – don’t merely exist

The news of the death of a celebrity is always sad, though sometimes the news hits me harder than others. This was the case when Dave Myers (one half of The Hairy Bikers) passed away recently. I’ve been a huge fan of theirs since they first appeared on our TV screens around twenty years ago. …

Stop for a minute and take in your surroundings

A short post this week! I’ve been on my weekend walk this morning. I meet up with a close friend every weekend and we stroll for an hour, get some fresh air, get some exercise, walk the dogs, and generally chew the fat about life, the universe, and everything. It’s really important to me and …

The 5 regrets of the dying: ridiculously important life lessons most of us learn too late

As has been the case with numerous previous blogs, this is inspired by a podcast I recently listened to. In fact, it is inspired so much by the podcast episode, the whole post is pretty much a transcript / ‘lift and shift’ of the conversation. It provides some profound and important messages, hence why I’ve …

Do you frequently say ‘Isn’t time flying by?’ If you do, you need to stop now! Here’s why and how.

For my own peace of mind, I need to stop focusing on how quickly time is passing (or how it often appears that way). I’ve been doing this more and more over recent years, yet it was only recently that I noticed the negative impact this has on me. It isn’t beneficial for one simple …

Yes, You Can Do It – time to call it a day or get it back on track?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about whether or not to continue with the Yes, You Can Do It (YYCDI) blog. The stats, in terms of the number of posts I’ve written during the past two years, are pretty shocking. Here’s a comparison of the number of posts per year since I started this: This …

Why you’ll never again hear me complain about turning 50

I turn 50 in the very near future and it seems I’ve done nothing but moan about it for the best part of the past 12 months or so. Or rather, I was moaning about it, up to around 2-3 months ago, when I was listening to an episode of ‘The Life Lessons Podcast’, specifically …

Good riddance summer, hello autumn my old friend

I’m conscious this post will divide people but I’m going to plough on regardless… I’ll be glad to see the back of summer, and I’ll welcome autumn and winter with open arms. There. I said it. I naively thought we were in this position 2-3 weeks ago, then the damned Indian summer hit and sent …