Tag: Life is for living

Why 2025 is my year of doing less, but more of what is important

I’m writing this post a few weeks after what was a fantastic Christmas and New Year break, though that came at a price. I overcommitted to things, and whilst most of them were truly amazing, I know I returned to work still feeling like I needed a break. But before I upset anyone close to …

Live life to the fullest – don’t merely exist

The news of the death of a celebrity is always sad, though sometimes the news hits me harder than others. This was the case when Dave Myers (one half of The Hairy Bikers) passed away recently. I’ve been a huge fan of theirs since they first appeared on our TV screens around twenty years ago. …

The 5 regrets of the dying: ridiculously important life lessons most of us learn too late

As has been the case with numerous previous blogs, this is inspired by a podcast I recently listened to. In fact, it is inspired so much by the podcast episode, the whole post is pretty much a transcript / ‘lift and shift’ of the conversation. It provides some profound and important messages, hence why I’ve …

Yes, You Can Do It – time to call it a day or get it back on track?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about whether or not to continue with the Yes, You Can Do It (YYCDI) blog. The stats, in terms of the number of posts I’ve written during the past two years, are pretty shocking. Here’s a comparison of the number of posts per year since I started this: This …

Why you’ll never again hear me complain about turning 50

I turn 50 in the very near future and it seems I’ve done nothing but moan about it for the best part of the past 12 months or so. Or rather, I was moaning about it, up to around 2-3 months ago, when I was listening to an episode of ‘The Life Lessons Podcast’, specifically …

Why I’d rather set stretching goals and just miss them than take the easy path and be successful

It was kindly pointed out by someone yesterday that I’d slipped a little lately when it comes to achieving my goals. My aim to get through March without eating any sugary crap (biscuits, chocolate, cakes etc) hasn’t quite been achieved in full. It hasn’t been a huge disaster, but I haven’t achieved that particular goal. …

A health / weight update – I’m not as fit as I thought I was…

Despite needing to lose weight, I’ve always thought I was relatively fit. I walk quite often. I eat a relatively health diet. I get plenty of fresh air. I just need to work on shedding the excess fat that I’m carrying. However, a couple of things lately have demonstrated to me that I’m not as …

The one simple thing which massively improves my life

Regular readers will know I’m in a constant battle to get fit and sustain it. It isn’t easy though, over recent years, I’ve come to realise that there is one simple thing which massively helps me – not just in the battle to shed fat, but also in improving my mental health. Walking. That most …

Turning 50, fearing the aging process, and some fine advice from Clint

I turn 50 in December of this year. I won’t be mentioning it too often here as I’m really not happy about it. In fact, I’m dreading it. Not because I fear there’ll be some big noticeable change in my life, but mainly as this is the landmark birthday which makes me feel I’m truly …

What would happen if you looked at your story and wrote it from another person’s point of view?

I recently watched a snippet of a TED talk which really hit home. The talk is titled How Changing Your Story Can Change Your Life, by Lori Gottlieb. The general theme is that what we tell ourselves shapes how we live our lives – Gottlieb summarises this by saying “The way we narrate our lives …