Tag: Find the positives

Why ‘Why?’ is the most powerful question

In my previous post, I wrote about how there is really no need to use the phrase ‘It may be a stupid question but…’ and why I believe much of the use of it is due to a fear of looking foolish (even though we don’t the vast majority of the time). Writing that post …

Find reasons to love yourself this Valentine’s Day

Whatever your thoughts on Valentine’s Day, whether you’re a hopeless romantic or you believe it’s an insincere and cynical commercial creation designed to suck yet more money from our wallets and purses, it at least provides an appropriate opportunity to reflect on the theme of love. I’d stick my neck out and suggest that the …

The year ahead for YYCDI

As I wrote last week, I’m not one for making New Year’s resolutions as such, primarily as, without careful thinking, planning and focus, they’re largely doomed to fail. However, the beginning of each calendar year is certainly a suitable time to gather my thoughts, review the previous year, look ahead, determine what I truly want …

12 steps to avoid disappointment this Christmas

I’m cheating a little with this post as the core content is taken from a blog post which a good friend shared on Facebook a few weeks ago. That blog is Becoming Minimalist ( link here ). It isn’t a blog I was previously aware of but in it, Joshua Becker aims to inspire others …

Lockdown concerns, anxiety, my daughter’s education, and why film nights are helping

One of my main concerns during lockdown has been my daughter’s education. During the latter stages of the previous school year, when all students were home-learning, the amount and quality of learning she experienced wasn’t as in-depth and thorough as it would have been had she been in school. This is absolutely not a slur …

Why I often ask myself ‘Is there a better option?’

Like most of us, I have many good intentions, though it’s easy to forget them or to slip slightly off track every now and again. To try to combat this, and in a bid to halt the little bad habits that creep into everyday life, I try to remember to ask myself if there is …

Cathy’s story and why you should define how your life will be, rather than letting life define you

As referenced in last week’s post (which you can find here), a stand-alone post to tell the story of Cathy, a lady who I met during our recent break in Wales. To recap the back story, the house we rented came with a beach hut. This was an absolute godsend and proved to be ridiculously …

It’s the simple things that really matter – why a week away made me feel alive again

I’ve written about this in previous blog posts but the past week has absolutely reminded me that it is the simple things in life that really matter. I spent last week in a stunning part of Wales (Nefyn, on the Llyn Peninsula) with my wife, daughter, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, niece, and nephew. Nefyn is a small …

Don’t forget just how important the mental health of our children is

A vitally important subject which was really emphasised to me by an e-mail I received earlier this week (more of that later). The mental health of our children is vitally important and whilst we’re all clearly aware of this, it can be easy to forget it during day-to-day life. I’ll refer to our children as …

People will always have something to say, so ignore most of it and do what feels right

This post is based on the following image, which really struck a chord with me this week. Regardless of what we do, especially if it’s a decision we take that is in the public eye to some degree, people will always have an opinion. Some people appreciate that we can often have an opinion whilst …