Tag: Self-esteem

6 ways to build your confidence

If I find articles or images I like, I tend to share them on an ad-hoc basis via the YYCDI Facebook page. I rarely copy the text from articles directly into blog posts, though every now and again I’ll find something that resonates to such a degree with me, I just have to include the …

Anxiety, live gigs, and why I continue to plug in and play…

There were signs of hope and encouragement for many of us in the UK this week. Hope that our children can settle into a normal school life again. Hope that we can meet up with friends and family soon. Hope that shops, pubs and restaurants will soon open again. Hope that we can give our …

Why my relationship with food is the most complex in my life and needs to change

I’ve written previously about food, primarily in the posts Using food & alcohol as a comfort blanket (Jul 2019 – link here), Time to change for good, starting with body fat (Sep 2019 – link here), Weight-loss update (Feb 2020 – link here), and The mental health benefits of exercise (Jun 2020 – link here). …

Find reasons to love yourself this Valentine’s Day

Whatever your thoughts on Valentine’s Day, whether you’re a hopeless romantic or you believe it’s an insincere and cynical commercial creation designed to suck yet more money from our wallets and purses, it at least provides an appropriate opportunity to reflect on the theme of love. I’d stick my neck out and suggest that the …