Tag: Is there a better option?

Post number 100! Creating momentum.

So, here we are. In what seems like the blink of an eye, this is post number 100 for Yes, You Can Do It. 100 posts since I took that nervous first step back on the 5th May 2019. 100 posts where I have, at times, bared my soul for all to see. If you’d …

My mobile phone is sucking the life out of me…

Now there’s an attention-grabbing title for you! Don’t worry – this isn’t clickbait. It’s exactly how I feel right now. I imagine some of you may have gasped when you first read that title? Possibly even recoiled in horror at such an outlandish thought? If you did react in that way, good. I’m pleased about …

Why I often ask myself ‘Is there a better option?’

Like most of us, I have many good intentions, though it’s easy to forget them or to slip slightly off track every now and again. To try to combat this, and in a bid to halt the little bad habits that creep into everyday life, I try to remember to ask myself if there is …