It is World Mental Health Day today (10th Oct 2020) and this year’s theme is ‘mental health for all’. Dr Ingrid Daniels, president of the World Federation for Mental Health, has said “The world is experiencing the unprecedented impact of the current global health emergency due to COVID-19. That has also impacted on the mental …
Category: Uncategorized
When do you truly switch off?
I’ve had a really busy week, both in work and personally. I’m used to spinning numerous plates and I’m quite comfortable with that, though, to coin one of a good friend’s favourite phrases, my head has been full of broken biscuits at times. That situation has improved now though it did make me think of …
Mortality and me – why I’ve been thinking of how much time I have left…
Well isn’t this just the cheeriest of blog titles to ease you into those final few hours of the weekend?! Don’t worry though – this post isn’t as morbid as the title suggests. It’s actually more of a call to arms, though I have been thinking over recent weeks and months about just how much …
Lockdown concerns, anxiety, my daughter’s education, and why film nights are helping
One of my main concerns during lockdown has been my daughter’s education. During the latter stages of the previous school year, when all students were home-learning, the amount and quality of learning she experienced wasn’t as in-depth and thorough as it would have been had she been in school. This is absolutely not a slur …
“Someday” is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you (part 2)
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about discovering the quote in the title, being enthused by it, and subsequently getting ready to smash through a lengthy to-do list during a recent week off work. I also wrote about how I didn’t come close to getting through that list to the extent that I’d hoped …
What can we do when our mojo just disappears? Very little, it seems…
In my previous post (30th August: “Someday” is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you (part 1) – link here ), I stated that the post was a two-parter, with the follow-up expected to look at the potential root causes (and possible solutions) of yet again not getting anywhere near …
“Someday” is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you (part 1)
A rare short post this week. “Hurray”, I hear you cry. “Thank God for that”, I also hear a few of you shout. “For once, he’s getting to the crux of the issue rather than rambling on like an inane loon”, I hear an honest handful of you say. I saw the quote below earlier …
Do you listen to talk or listen to listen?
Something I’ve noticed more and more over recent years is that most people listen to talk rather than listen to listen. Confused? Let me try to explain. In any conversation, it’s vitally important to give the other person our undivided attention. To be genuinely interested in what they are saying and take in every word. …
Everyday anxieties – is it just me or do most people have them?
Everyday anxieties – is it just me or do most people have these? To clarify, I’m not talking the level of anxiousness which (thankfully) only happens every so often and forces me into cold sweats and an irrational panic. I’m talking about the peculiar little everyday occurrences which shouldn’t cause concern and prey on my …
Why I often ask myself ‘Is there a better option?’
Like most of us, I have many good intentions, though it’s easy to forget them or to slip slightly off track every now and again. To try to combat this, and in a bid to halt the little bad habits that creep into everyday life, I try to remember to ask myself if there is …