The year ahead for YYCDI

As I wrote last week, I’m not one for making New Year’s resolutions as such, primarily as, without careful thinking, planning and focus, they’re largely doomed to fail. However, the beginning of each calendar year is certainly a suitable time to gather my thoughts, review the previous year, look ahead, determine what I truly want from life, and map out just how to get there. With that in mind, I’d like to share my objectives for YYCDI (Yes, You Can Do It) during 2021.

The aims of the blog which I wrote about in the very first post on the 5th May 2019 certainly still apply. I will continue writing about mental health issues and hopefully showing that we live in a time where it is deemed to be ok to share our feelings and talk about such matters. In my case, this still relates to anxiety, lacking confidence, low self-esteem, and impostor syndrome. I’ll write about these issues whenever I feel it’s necessary to do so, or whenever something happens to me which is worth sharing. I’m not sure how this will play out over the coming months as some of these issues haven’t been as prevalent in this bizarre Covid-dictated world we currently live in. Anxiety certainly hasn’t been as much of an issue for me as I’ve been home-based far more than ever before, meaning that the situations which can often cause anxiety issues haven’t been a factor in my life. The other issues certainly still do affect me though and I’ll continue to write about my thoughts and feelings on those.

One of my key aims back in May 2019 was to also make this a positive blog, filled with hope, positivity, belief, encouragement, and support. That still applies, perhaps more than ever at the moment, and I’ll therefore continue focusing on coping mechanisms I use, self-development, positive progression, good health, sources of inspiration, understanding what we are truly capable of achieving, and other themes in a similar vein.

Additionally, there are some extra objectives which I will achieve this year. Firstly, I’ll be creating the Instagram account I’ve mentioned in a couple of previous posts, primarily to share images I like from elsewhere, plus images I’ll be creating myself. To my mind, Instagram is a much more visual medium than Facebook, Twitter etc and is therefore perfectly placed to allow me to develop this side of YYCDI. Creating that account will also allow me to find like-minded accounts and forums and hopefully spread the word about YYCDI. I’ll have this in place by the end of January (just throwing that target date out there to ensure there is accountability here and I get it done!) and I’ll look to develop it over the initial months of the year. I’ll then determine if other social media platforms will be beneficial, though Instagram is the key one initially.

I’ll also be producing an e-book containing all posts to date and publishing that on Amazon. It will be available for free and I’m hoping that I’ll find a wider audience via that platform. My intention moving forward is to either update that initial book or create a new one at the end of each year, containing all the blog posts from that 12-month period.

And that is where I am at right now. It feels like I’m over the recent slump and I’m hoping this will be a productive year.

Finally, a quick note on today’s image. I’ve included this as it’s very much my thinking at the moment. Failure does not bother me in the slightest – in fact, I welcome it. It’s the only way to review, refocus, improve, and get to where I want to be. What really bothers me, to a huge degree, is potential regret, particularly reaching an age in later life where I feel it’s too late to address the things I should have done but don’t feel I’m able to. To be brutally honest, that terrifies me and I’m not prepared to let that happen, so let’s see how it goes…

As always, thanks for reading, whether you’re new to the blog or have been here since day one. Stay safe and please do take care.

Best wishes.


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