Tag: Overcoming

Things I don’t do / haven’t done as a result of lacking confidence / having low self-esteem

As a result of last week’s weight-loss update, I got to thinking about how I might feel once I finally achieve that goal and get to where I want to be physically. That made me consider what I don’t currently do and haven’t done in the past as a result of low self-confidence / a …

Weight-loss update

Back in September I wrote a post titled ‘Time to change for good, starting with body fat’ ( link here ). In that post, I wrote that I believed being overweight is the primary cause of my anxiety, low self-esteem and lack of confidence. I also wrote about the need, for many reasons, to do …

Being kind all the time isn’t easy so try asking yourself – what would my children want me to do here?

A last-minute change of subject matter this week following the tragic death of Caroline Flack yesterday. I’m not going to write in-depth about my thoughts on the downsides of the media, internet trolls, and the Crown Prosecution Service, primarily as this will turn into something of a scathing, angry diatribe; something I’d rather avoid here. …

Anxiety and Imposter Syndrome rear their ugly heads once again

Oh, hello again anxiety and imposter syndrome. I wouldn’t exactly say it’s good to catch-up but it certainly isn’t a surprise that our paths have crossed once more. How delightful that we bump into each other again at an event that I’d been looking forward to for weeks… To add some context to ensure that …

World Mental Health Day 2019 – be that helping hand…

A short but vitally important post today. It is the 2019 World Mental Health Day on Thursday (10th October) and the focus this year is suicide prevention. The statistics regarding this make for horrifying and desperately saddening reading: Someone takes their own life every 40 seconds. Suicide accounts for twice as many deaths as murder …

Time to change for good, starting with body fat

I had a dawning realisation this week. I’m not sure where it came from but it suddenly hit home that, despite having achieved some of my objectives this year, not least starting this blog, I’m still essentially in a very similar position to that which I’ve found myself in for a good few years now. …

All that matters – family and friends (and a little bit of music…)

Another relatively succinct post this week (yay shout the regular readers!). I’ve reached a stage in life where it’s the simple things that mean the most to me. Amongst other things, I enjoy losing myself in a good book, listening to a long-forgotten album, the vivid colours of a sunrise / sunset (honestly – I …

Social media – why I’m cutting back

This has been preying on my mind for some time now… I have a real love/hate relationship with social media. I access Facebook, Twitter and Instagram on a daily basis and the benefits of doing so are obvious. Facebook is a great way of keeping in touch with the day-to-day lives of friends and family, …

Don’t bottle it up – why the art of deception is bad for you

A relatively succinct post as I reflect on how writing this blog has been beneficial to me. I first uploaded a YYCDI post on Sunday 5th May and I’ve maintained my commitment to weekly posts since, albeit with a couple of very brief Facebook posts sharing images whilst I was on holiday in August. In …

Coping mechanisms – podcasts

I have previously written about using music ( article link here ) and motivational quotes ( article link here ) as coping mechanisms. Today, I’ll be writing about another coping mechanism I use – podcasts. Firstly, for those who aren’t aware of just what podcasts are, the Simple English Wikipedia page definition is: Podcasting is …