This is a post I am expecting to really polarise opinion! I don’t tend to talk too much about this with others as a rule as I know people are rarely indifferent when it comes to motivational quotes – the general consensus is they are either loved or hated. Very much like discussing politics, I …
Tag: Yes You Can Do It
Using food & alcohol as a comfort blanket
I thought the initial YYCDI posts I wrote, explaining my issues and what led me to start this blog, were difficult to write but this one certainly rivals those. To some, the content here will sound quite ludicrous. To others, it will resonate hugely. In short, for most of my adult life, food and alcohol …
Perspective – putting yourself in someone else’s shoes
This is a coping mechanism I find difficult to do, or certainly difficult to remember to do, though it works really well when I do apply it. When body consciousness really strikes, and I’m constantly mulling over what others may be thinking about my appearance (as detailed in this post back in early-June), I find …
A problem shared…
A relatively succinct and quick-read today, following last week’s epic essay on music! There is a quote which never fails to make me smile: ‘A problem shared is a problem halved, so is your problem really yours or just half of someone else’s?’ Clearly a witty extension of the old favourite ‘A problem shared is …
Coping mechanisms – the power of music
The first specific coping mechanism I’d like to discuss is music. Regular readers will know that family and friends are more important to me than anything else in life but they are closely followed by music. In saying I use music as a coping mechanism, I don’t mean that I quickly play a song during …
Fighting anxiety and low self-esteem – the importance of trying to maintain a positive outlook
One of the main things I do to fight back against anxiety and low self-esteem / low self-confidence is to try and progress through life with a positive outlook on things. This can often be easier said than done though it is something I try to remember to consider on a daily basis. One issue …
Root causes of anxiety and low self-esteem (2 of 2)
In last week’s post, I wrote about how I believe body consciousness is the main root cause of my anxiety and low self-esteem / a lack of self-confidence. This week, I’ll address the other main cause, which is what I’ll refer to as an inferiority complex and being very self-critical. This one isn’t easy to …
Root causes of anxiety and low self-esteem (1 of 2)
In my previous 2 blog posts, I’ve written about how anxiety manifests itself within me and how low self-esteem, self-doubt, and a real lack of confidence affects me. In this post, I’ll be considering the first of what I believe to be the two main root causes of these issues. As in previous posts, one …
Low self-esteem and a lack of confidence
Last week I wrote about how anxiety manifests itself within me. Today I’m writing about how other issues, namely low self-esteem, self-doubt, and a real lack of confidence affect me. I’ve separated the posts as anxiety feels significantly different to me than these issues. As I noted last week, anxiety comes and goes within my …
How anxiety manifests itself
Hi. In this blog post I’m writing about how anxiety manifests itself within me. I won’t be referencing my lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem, and self-doubt here as they are pretty much constants within my life and I will refer to those in future posts. However, anxiety isn’t a constant. It comes and goes, often …