Today is quite an important day for Yes, You Can Do It – it’s the 1-year anniversary of my first post!
It may have taken me some time from hatching the idea to actually setting the wheels in motion by publishing that first post but, despite my initial fears and concerns, I’m really pleased I did. I feel as strongly about the core subject matter as I did 12 months ago and, having maintained my target of a post per week (in the main), I have more impetus than ever to continue this.
The blog themes have been a mixture of positivity / considering what we’re all capable of achieving, and describing how anxiety and lacking self-confidence affect me. I intend continuing in that vein as there is still much to write about. I’m conscious that the content so far has largely been in the form of blog posts and therefore my main objective for the next year, in addition to continuing writing, is to create more visual content – infographics, images and suchlike. With that in mind, keep your eyes peeled for the Yes, You Can Do It Instagram page, which will be launching very soon.
The blog is still only seen by a relatively small number of family and friends, plus a few others who have followed the Facebook page having seen a couple of sponsored / promoted posts I’ve shared with a wider audience, and that’s fine with me as my original intent was always to prove there was an interested readership prior to trying to reach a broader audience. That has certainly proved to be true as I’ve received many positive comments since starting the blog and I’ve had a number of interesting conversations with friends and family members who have similar issues which they now find easier to talk about. It’s perhaps an overused cliché but I always said if writing these posts would help just one other person, they’d be worthwhile. For that reason and that reason alone, it was certainly worth baring my soul in this way. Now I have a significant number of posts on the website, it is definitely time to try to grow the audience and connect with broader forums / writers of similar subject matter to try and take this a little further.
So, huge thanks to everyone who has read, liked, commented on, or shared a post – it is greatly appreciated. Thanks also to those who haven’t responded directly to specific posts but have either spoken to me in person regarding these issues or have simply quietly appreciated reading a post or two. I still firmly believe that it’s vitally important to ‘talk’, though I also fully understand that quite often that’s far easier said than done.
If you have any ideas or suggestions regarding YYCDI, whether it’s general improvement ideas, suggested blog post themes or anything else, then please do let me know.
Thanks for reading and, as always, take care and stay safe.
Best wishes,

Happy Birthday . May there be many more , and of course not to forget the author , WELL DONE MICK x
Thanks very much Yvonne – really appreciate it. x
I love your content ans always share it, unfortunatly I think the majority of people miss out due to being inundated with material via social media. Try linked in as there’s a more mature audience and I think it may fit your goals much better. Keep posting Mick.
Thanks very much Scott – really appreciate it. Thanks for the LinkedIn tip too – it’s on my immediate to-do list to create an account there over the next week or two, along with an Instagram account. Let’s see how that goes!